Research & Publications

At the Geruka Healing Centre, we strongly believe that research is the only tool we can utilize to inform daily operations of companies, and this would also result into robust policies for the companies. We provide consultancy services to a number of organizations in Rwanda and beyond. We carry out evaluation of the end-of-the project, for instance.

Most of our staff work in academia. They have expertise to turn ideas into actionable research topics as well as carrying them out. You can access their peer-reviewed scientific articles, featured stories and pieces for your life-long learning through one click. Please follow below links to their publications.

Adelite Mukamana’s publications:

Kalisa Joseph’s publications:

Felicien Izaturwanaho’s publications:

Enjoy your reading!

Kindly get in touch with us through should you need our expertise in carrying out research and consistency for your organizations.

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